OpenAI’s Custom GPT Store Delayed: What You Need to Know

OpenAI's Custom GPT

OpenAI has announced that it is delaying the launch of its custom GPT store until early 2024. The store was originally supposed to launch in late 2023, but OpenAI says that it needs more time to develop the necessary infrastructure and tooling.

The custom GPT store will allow businesses to create their own custom GPT models, which can be used for a variety of purposes, such as generating text, translating languages, and writing different kinds of creative content.


OpenAI says that the delay is necessary to ensure that the custom GPT store is of the highest quality and that it meets the needs of businesses. The company is also working on developing several new features for the store, such as the ability to train models on private data and the ability to deploy models to production.

Despite the delay, OpenAI is still committed to launching the custom GPT store. The company believes that the store will be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

What is OpenAI‘s GPT?

GPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer. It is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that can be used to generate human-quality text. GPT models are trained on a massive dataset of text and code, which allows them to learn the patterns and relationships between words. This allows GPT models to generate grammatically correct, coherent, and creative text.

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Key Takeaways

  • The launch of the custom GPT store has been delayed to early 2024.
  • OpenAI is committed to developing a high-quality product that meets the needs of businesses.
  • The company is working on several new features for the store.
  • Custom GPT models can be used for a variety of purposes, including generating text, translating languages, and writing different kinds of creative content.

What are the benefits of using custom GPT models?

Custom GPT models can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Generating marketing copy: GPT models can be used to generate marketing copy tailored to a specific audience.
  • Creating chatbots: GPT models can be used to create chatbots that can answer customer questions and provide support.
  • Writing code: GPT models can be used to write code, which can help developers to be more productive.
  • Translating languages: GPT models can be used to translate languages, which can help businesses communicate with customers around the world.

What is the future of custom GPT models?

OpenAI believes that custom GPT models have the potential to revolutionize the way that businesses operate. The company is committed to developing the custom GPT store and making it a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

The delay in the launch of the custom GPT store is a setback for OpenAI, but it is also an opportunity for the company to refine its product and make sure that it is ready for the market. OpenAI is still committed to launching the store, and it will likely be a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

In addition to the delay of the custom GPT store, there are some other challenges that OpenAI faces. The company is facing increasing competition from other AI companies, such as Google AI and Meta AI. OpenAI also needs to address the ethical concerns that have been raised about AI, such as the potential for AI to be used to create deepfakes and other harmful content.

Despite these challenges, OpenAI is a leading AI company with a bright future. The company has a strong team of researchers and a deep commitment to developing AI that benefits humanity. OpenAI is likely to continue to make significant contributions to the field of AI in the years to come.

Further Resources:

Sachi Sapam is an experienced IT professional with 7/8 years in the field, adept in customer handling, passionate blogger, YouTuber, and always eager to explore and embrace new innovations. Meet a dynamic individual dedicated to staying at the forefront of technology and fostering creative engagement.

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